Monday, December 31, 2007

Best films seen 2007

Top films seen either in theaters or on new DVD releases this past year:

  1. Charlie Wilson's War
  2. Paprika
  3. Equinox Flower
  4. Sweeney Todd
  5. Waitress
  6. The Taste of Tea
  7. Apocalypto
  8. Black Book
  9. The Lives of Others
  10. Blood Diamond
  11. Letters from Iwo Jima
  12. Babel
  13. Volver
  14. Pan's Labyrinth
  15. Children of Men


Elizabeth, Adult Programming Librarian said...

I'd like to see No Country for Old Men on this list! My film buff son in California says Charlie Wilson's War is a must see!!

Terry Dawson said...

I'd like to see No Country for Old Men on the list myself! I didn't manage to catch it and it wasn't in town long.

"Films I wanted to see but haven't, so now I'm waiting to see them on DVD"
- No Country for Old Men
- Atonement
- Eastern Promises
- Bourne Ultimatum
- Persepolis
- Juno
- 3:10 to Yuma

"Films I really liked that didn't quite make the list"
- Golden Compass
- Stardust
- Once
- Beowulf
- Little Children
- 3 Iron

PublicLibrarian said...

I happened to have watched two of your DVD list movies this past weekend:
***I was really looking forward to seeing Eastern Promises because I like the director's other films, but it was a huge disappointment! I didn't like it at all.
IMDB score= 7.9/10 My score: 2/10 :(

***I had heard such good things about 3:10 to Yuma, but I fell asleep halfway through and really didn't care to watch the rest. Nevertheless, it was less of a letdown than Eastern Promises.

Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there: Eastern Promises=totally AWFUL plot/script but good acting.